Wednesday 29 January 2014

Homework - Let's Create A World Fact File!!

This week we have been looking at maps in Geography and finding out about different places around the world using our detective skills. I think you will agree, it was a lot of fun too!

 Take a look at this website:


Choose a country from the index, and find out as much as you can about it. 
Remember to take lots of notes but NO copying!!! We don't want to get into trouble.
Then, either create a fact file to add to the Blog or bring a short presentation on your chosen country into class.

I look forward to receiving your offerings by Wednesday 5th February!

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Literacy Homework - Meet The Beavers!

Below, you will find a link to a video clip of the Pevensie children meeting Mr Beaver when they first enter Narnia.

If you follow the next link, you will find a link to an online copy of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.  Go to page 36 – The beginning of Chapter 7 and read to the end of page 39.

What similarities (things that are the same) and differences (things that are different) are there between the video and the written story?


I would like you to write your response in full sentences, and to include examples from both the book and the film-clip.

I look forward to reading your responses by Wednesday 29th January 2014.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Literacy Homework - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Stories Set in Imaginary Lands
We have started reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Watch this film clip of Lucy entering Narnia for the first time.

The first half of the clip shows her entering Narnia and looking around.
How do you think she is feeling?

She then meets Mr Tumnus for the first time.  How do you think she feels when she sees him?  How would you feel?
 I would like you to write a description of Lucy's first trip into Narnia.
We have been working on using adjectives and adverbs to add detail and description.
We have also been exlporing figurative language; metaphors and similes.
I would like you to include descriptive language, as well as trying to use a metaphor and simile.
You can put your post on the blog or bring it in on paper. 
I look forward to reading your blog entry by Wednesday 22nd January!

Thursday 12 December 2013

Literacy Homework - Fog!!

The below photographs were taken yesterday by @MPSinthesky, a Twitter account managed by those flying London's police helicopters.  They do a very important job protecting our city, and they also get a great view, which they like to share!

The first picture shows the fog covering everything but the very centre of London, and the second one is of Canary Wharf, with the skyscraper buildings poking out above the fog!

The pictures really made my imagination start to race! Imagine if the fog was thicker? Imagine if it didn't go away? What if the fog started to creep into the buildings?  If anyone is reading The Magician's Nephew with Mr Wright, you may have read about a very thick, mysterious foggy light...

Imagine you are in the middle of this foggy city. Write a description of your surroundings. Think about what you can see and hear. How do you feel? Are there other people around you? Who might you meet there?

Let your imagination go for a wander into this strange new place! 

I look forward to reading your contributions by Wednesday 18th December. 

Remember to 'Think it, Say it, Write it and Check it' before publishing.


Thursday 28 November 2013

Literacy Homework - Description

It's (nearly...) Christmas!

Watch this video link.
It describes a journey in pictures.
The journey is long and hard, but it is important to the traveller.
I would like you to write a description of the journey.
Use your most carefully thought out sentences, with interesting, descriptive vocabulary.
Think it, say it, write it, check it !!!!
You can write your entry on the blog or on paper.
I look forward to seeing them by Wednesday 4th December.
Happy writing!
Miss Cleary

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Literacy Homework - Write A Letter


This short animation film is about a conscientious farmer who tends to his crop of windmills and watches them blossom through the seasons until sadly they are damaged by a fierce winter storm!

Ideas to Think About!

Can you plant a windmill and do they need watering? What is the creator trying to say?
At the beginning the farmer is optimistic and hopeful. Is this true throughout the film? Explain your answer.
Are windmills good for the environment? Explain.
Do windmills spoil the landscape and why?

Your Task
Option 1

Research wind turbines and write a letter of support to the farmer commenting on his beautiful 'crop' and his efforts to help the environment.

Option 2
Research wind turbines and write a letter of complaint to the farmer about how his wind farm is spoiling the countryside.

Things to Remember 

Take notes when researching or planning your letter - organisation is key!

Think it, say it, write it, check it !!!!

Due Date: Wednesday 27th November
You may write your letter on paper and bring it into school if you prefer :)

Thursday 14 November 2013

Literacy Homework - Making Electricity

During Science Week we explored electricity and found out how it is generated.
This is one of the websites we thought was very useful, have a look:
YOUR TASK: Write a paragraph explaining how electricity is made, remember to use scientific vocabulary.
You could have a go at describing different methods if that's too easy!
How about hydro-electric power? Or nuclear energy?

Please have your blog entries written by Wednesday 19th November!