Wednesday 25 September 2013

Literacy Homework - Newspaper Reports

Over the past week we have been looking at the features of a newspaper article and how to plan a successful piece of writing so we thought we would give you another opportunity to write an article based on a photo. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, or so the saying goes.

Your Task

Let the image below absorb you, let it tell you a story. Once you are sure you hear it in your mind, start jotting down the 'who, where, when, what, why and how'. Now I want you to write a headline and lead paragraph as a comment on this blog page. Try and use 'wow' adjectives and...... be creative! 

Thursday 19 September 2013


Welcome Waterloo Class

Your blogging adventure starts here!
Please take the time to read the blogging rules before you add comments and share ideas.
Miss Cleary