Rules For Blogging

Chatsworth Primary School

Rules for blogging
A blog can be very exciting, it allows people from all over the world to share our learning and make comments. We need to remember to follow a few simple rules to stay safe and to get the most out of our blog. It is very important that we understand how to use the blog and the internet in a secure way. This ties in with National Curriculum objectives and ICT Key Skills that the children are expected to learn and apply.

The following guidelines have been established to ensure the safety of our pupils when blogging. The guidelines are also reminders of how to use the blog to improve writing and keyboarding skills.

 Please follow our blogging rules:

·        Only use your first name when commenting – no surnames.

·        Relatives who leave comments are also asked to use their first name only or to post comments as “Reena’s Mum” or “Gary’s Grandfather”.

·        Keep safe – don’t reveal any personal information.

·        No text talk – write in full sentences and read your comments back carefully before submitting.

·        Be polite – don’t post anything that could hurt anyone.

·        Always show respect  – be positive if you are going comment and always remember that the blog is an extension of our school that the rest of the world is able to see.

·        All posts and comments are checked by school staff before they are approved.

If you have any more concerns about the security of the blog then please feel free to have a chat with your child’s class teacher or Miss Jolliffe, our ICT co-ordinator.



  1. Miss Cleary i read it,it was very inportant.

  2. This is interesting

  3. The difference between the video and the written story is that Mr. Beaver, Mrs. Beaver's husband had a different kind of sense because in the video he was quite happy and jolly about the four kids being there and in the written story he was serious about getting the White Witch back for all her evil doings. A similarity is that both the video and the written story was that Mr. and Mrs. Beaver both cared about the kids but are worried about Edmund leaving the damn and heading to the White Witch's castle.
    Another difference is that both beavers in the movie knew what to do when the wolves broke into the damn, however in the written story they did not so they had to think of a fresh plan at that moment. Another similarity is that in the movie and written story the beavers offered them food and drinks.
