Wednesday 29 January 2014

Homework - Let's Create A World Fact File!!

This week we have been looking at maps in Geography and finding out about different places around the world using our detective skills. I think you will agree, it was a lot of fun too!

 Take a look at this website:


Choose a country from the index, and find out as much as you can about it. 
Remember to take lots of notes but NO copying!!! We don't want to get into trouble.
Then, either create a fact file to add to the Blog or bring a short presentation on your chosen country into class.

I look forward to receiving your offerings by Wednesday 5th February!


  1. Can I do Madagascar even though it is not on the website.

  2. India

    India is the second largest population in the world ,with over 1.2 billion people and India is also the seventh largest country in the total area. If you are in India you probably know that it belongs to the continent of Asia ,it is bordered by the countries of Bangladesh ,Bhutun ,Burma,China,Nepal and Pakistan .In India the highest mountain is called Kanchanjunga ,standing at 8,598m which it shares Nepal . Kanchanjunga is the third highest mountain in the world.In India there are many different languages spoken and the main ones are Hindi,Bengali,Telugu,Marathi,Tamil and urdu.

    India became an independent nation in 1947 after ending British rule that began in 1858.Mahatma Gandhi is famous for the important part he played in gaining India's independence. Once British rule was over, India was split into the Republic of India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Later, an area between India and Pakistan became the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Once British rule was over, India was split into the Republic of India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Later, an area between India and Pakistan became the People's Republic of Bangladesh. The national symbol of India is the endangered Bengal Tiger.

  3. Netherlands

    Netherlands is an small country squeezed between Belgium and Germany.The Netherlands is in Western Europe and the North sea.It is bigger than State Maryland but smaller than West Virginia.

    The Netherlands Government created a sanctuaries to allow plants.They loved playing soccer and cheese was important in there diets.The capital city of Netherlands is Amsterdam and their language is Dutch.There population is 16,783,092.Netherlands means "lower countries",sometimes Netherlands is called Holland.Tourism is very important in the county they normally see Dutch art,architecture and flowers.

  4. Pakistan:
    Pakistan is a country in south Asia, with a population of 180 million people. It is the sixth most populous country and is the 36th biggest country in area.

    The climate in Pakistan has gone up to 53.5 degrees centigrade and can also go up to 90 degrees centigrade in the summer as well. it's not regular if Pakistan's temprature was negative because it is one of the hottest country's in Asia.

    The most recommended sports in Pakistan is squash, hockey and cricket, this country is famous for them and has lots of famous people in their teams as well for example in cricket Pakistan has the fastest bowler in the world.

    Where Pakistan is located:
    Pakistan is located in southern Asia very near to the bottom where it is a little near the equater. The equater is the half way line of Earth it is really hot so if a country is near it it would be a really hot country but that country could be Pakistan.

  5. Fact File Australia


    • Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, USA and Brazil
    • Mainland Australia is the world’s largest island
    • Population 22.68 million (2012)

    States and territories

    • Australia is divided into six states and two territories
    New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania
    Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory


    • Prime Minister - Tony Abbot
    • Canberra is the national capital of Australia


    • Australia has the most venomous snakes in the world
    • Home to: Kangaroos, Koala Bears, Wombats, Platypus and Kookaburra

    The Great Barrier Reef

    • Located in Queensland
    • 1800 miles long
    • World’s largest coral reef system
    • Over 400 different kinds of coral.
    • Can be seen from outer space.

  6. I will speak about Lebanon, its capital is Beirut, currency is Lebanese pounds.
    Is a Democratic Republic country in the East Mediterranean. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east and Palestine to the south. Lebanon has a moderate Mediterranean climate. In coastal areas, winters are generally cool and rainy whilst summers are hot and humid. In more elevated areas, temperatures usually drop below freezing during the winter with heavy snow cover that remains until early summer on the higher mountaintops. Lebanon's diverse atmosphere and ancient history make it an important destination which is slowly rebuilding itself after continued turmoil. Lebanon offers plenty: from ancient Roman ruins, to well preserved castles, limestone caves, historic Churches and Mosques, beautiful beaches nestled in the Mediterranean Sea, world renown Lebanese cuisine, to mountainous ski resorts. The largest ski resort in the country has been expanded and modernized. The Government believes that, because of the return of peace and stability to the country and with the development of the necessary infrastructure, tourism will again contribute significantly to Lebanon's economy. Lebanon's tourism industry also relies on the large number of Lebanese living abroad, who return regularly to the country during the summer season.

  7. Scotland Profile

    Population: 5,295 million
    Capital: Edinburgh
    National animal: unicorn

    Scotland is on the northern border of England. It is occupying the northern third of Great Britain. It has the North Sea to the east, it has the Irish Channel to the south west. Scotland is made up of more than 790 islands, including the Hebrides and Northern Isles.


    Scotland’s wildlife is beautiful but some of the largest and some of the most exotic mammals including Lynx, Brown Bear, Wolf, Elk, and Walrus are now extinct due to hunting and persecution. There are also important populations of seals and seabirds such as the Gannett for instance. The Golden Eagle is an incredible bird also known as the icon of Scotland.

    On the mountain peaks species include Ptarmigan, Mountain Hare, and Stoat. Hare and Stoats can also be seen in their white coat in winter. Scotland used to be heavily forested but what is left of the native Scots Pine is home to species such as Scottish Crossbill, Capercaillie, Wildcat, Pine Marten, and Red Squirrel.

    In recent years some species have been reintroduced such as the Beaver and White Tailed Sea Eagle.


    Scotland used to have a lot of heavy industry such as mining, steel making and ship building. New industry such as oil, salmon farming and banking have replaced them. Scotland has always been famous for whisky making.

    Food and Drink

    Scotland has lots of natural food such as salmon, seafood, and venison. Scots are famous for eating unhealthy food such as anything deep fried, including mars bars, pies and mince and tatties. The national dish is haggis, neaps and tatties and the favourite drink is irn bru, a bright orange fizzy drink.

    National Identity

    Scotland is mainly a Christian Country but in recent years has become more mixed and there are Sikhs and Muslims in the country too. The Scots have a national dress consisting of a kilt and bagpipe music is popular. Some Scots think that Scotland should be an independent country and there is a vote this year to decide.

  8. Ray-John
    I chose Israel because I find the history of Israel very interesting and I wanted to find out why this country is also known as the Holy Land. So I decided to research information about this outstanding country.
    Israel is known as the Holy Land because of the area around it is where most of the Bible was set and where Jesus lived and this is where He started His ministry, for example Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Galilee and a lot more. It is also in Jerusalem where rebuildings and destruction happened. Israel which is officially called the State of Israel is a country in the Western Asia, it share land borders with Lebanon in the North, Syria in the north east, Jordan on the East, the Palestinian Territories (or State of Palestine) comprising the West Bank and Gaza Strip on the East and Southwest respectively, Egypt and the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea to the South.
    Israel was divided from the Abrehamis religion, the Islam religion, the Jewish religion and Christianity. Their financial centre is Tel Aviv. Their main language is Arabic and Hebrew which is a language you speak in the Muslim and Jewish religions. Their capital city is Jerusalem. Its population is approximately 8,051,200; their currency is Israel new shekel and their Ethnic groups-75.3%of Jews and 20.7%of Arabic. Their national flower is the Anemone Coronaria which is very beautiful and nice smelling and their national animal is the Nubian Ibex which is in the goat species. Israel is famous for The Messiah and many other great ones in the religion of the Christianity.
    Did you know that even though Israel is geographically small it has one of the largest air force in the world exceeded in size only by those of U.S, Russia and China; it also has the highest ratio of University degrees to the population in the world; it has more museums than any other country in the world; the only country with a Braille marking on their bank note so that the blind can identify them easily; third highest rate of entrepreneurship, world’s second per person of new books and spends more money for security than any country in the world. A county that uses Kosher glue in their stamps, the only country in the world who entered the 21st century with more trees in its territory than it had in the 20th century. The Israelis Have developed and designed important innovations of the modern world. These include the AOL Instant Messenger technology, Windows NT and XP, the voicemail system, Pentiun-4 and Centrino processors, and the ever useful cell phones and the internet security. The Dead Sea in Israel is the lowest point on earth, at 1,315 feet below sea level at its lowest point. It is really fascinating to learn about this amazing country and probably, I will visit Israel someday.

  9. China China is a massive country infact it is the second biggest country in the world after Russia.China has the most people in the world with a population of 1.351 billion people.Beijing is the capital of china it has a population of 11 million.Beijing contains the great wall of china,the great wall of china was used for war and it is 8851.8 km . These are some of the major cities and the population fo them, Shanghai 15 million Shenzhen 12million Guangzhou 7 million Hong kong 7 million finally Dongguan 6.5 million. The most famous inventions are silk,paper,gunpowder and movable-type printing. Over the last millenium China have fought hudreds of wars. It has conquered its neibours and they have been conquered back in return.China are good at tabletennis ,diving,Kungfu,badminton,gymnastics and shuttlecock.
