Wednesday 22 January 2014

Literacy Homework - Meet The Beavers!

Below, you will find a link to a video clip of the Pevensie children meeting Mr Beaver when they first enter Narnia.

If you follow the next link, you will find a link to an online copy of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.  Go to page 36 – The beginning of Chapter 7 and read to the end of page 39.

What similarities (things that are the same) and differences (things that are different) are there between the video and the written story?


I would like you to write your response in full sentences, and to include examples from both the book and the film-clip.

I look forward to reading your responses by Wednesday 29th January 2014.


  1. Miss Cleary I kind of don't get it that much can you help me pleas.

  2. Hi Gresa, sure, come and see me at lunch time tomorrow :)

  3. Differences
    1. In the book there was a long description about how they saw the beaver.
    2. In the movie Lucy had said it was a beaver but in the book it was Peter.
    3. In the movie Susan didn’t agree to follow the beaver.
    4. Peter in the movie didn’t say anything when he started to follow the beaver.
    5. In the movie the children didn’t talk about a robin.
    6. In the book Susan and Lucy found out that they were lost but in the movie they didn’t.
    7. The beaver put his paw on his mouth in the book but in the movie.
    8. Lucy spoke to Peter about the trees in the movie but in the book it was the beaver.

    1. The description about the beaver was just how it looked in the movie.
    2. The beaver made signs in both to show that he wanted them to follow him.
    3. Edmund didn’t agree with following the beaver.
    4. In the book and the movie the beaver gave Lucy the hanky that she had given to Mr Tumnus.
    5. In both the beaver had said ssshh because the children were speaking too loud.

  4. I am going to discuss the similarities and differences between the book and the video clip of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. In my opinion the main differences are the beaver in the book acts more like an animal than the one in the video. The beaver does not speak to the children straight away in the book but uses signs to get the children to be quiet and to follow him. In the video the beaver speaks almost straight away and is more like a person. He tells the children to follow him into his house and not speak out in the open. The similarities are the characters are the same being the children and the beaver and where the characters are which is Narnia near the beaver's home.

  5. Similarities include the story line and the dialogue. The children met the beaver in the film and the book.
    Differences include the description of feelings and thoughts in the book, but this is not the same as the film. In the book the reader gets an idea of how the characters feel and relate to you but you can only see this on film and it is not always as detailed.

  6. Frist they saw a Beaver and Peter said come boy and he was talking after Lucy was laughing after a while the Beaver said Lucy she said yes. He gave a tissue she took it final she said this is from mr Tummnus and he went away and then they were talking about the Beaver final he said some thing.

  7. Differences:
    The difference between the written story and the video is that Mr. Beaver has a different sense, in the written story Mr. Beaver was quite serious and in the video he was quite jokey with the children.
    Also another difference is in the written story the tea that was given to the children was made instantly but in the movie it wasn't.

    A similarities are that in both the written story and the movie mr. Beaver was quite intelligent and when the wolves attacked mr. Beaver knew straight away what to do.
    Also Mrs Beaver was quite rushy in both the movie and the written story.

  8. There was a difference that caught my eye the online copy gave more detail and the video didn't. A similarity is when the beaver said that some trees are on there side but others betray them.

  9. 1.In the book there was a bit more writing.

    2.In the clip you could see Lucy again.

    and thoughs are all

  10. First they saw the beaver and peter come here boy and he put his hand out and herd the beaver talk

  11. There are many differences and similarity between the book and the film. In the movie they did not show how the beaver was hiding in the bushes. The book failed to tell us how Peater acted as the beaver was totally ordinary. In the movie Edmund suspiciously asked if they should trust the beaver where as in the book Peater asked if they should trust the beaver. In the book Susan said they should go with the beaver because she was terribly hungry but they also failed to show us that in the movie. The movie told us that the beaver gave Lucy her handkerchief out in the open snow where as in the book the author told us that the beaver gave Lucy her hanky in a deserted clearing. In the book the beaver says "the trees," on the other hand, in the movie Lucy says " the trees."

    Here are some similarities: Both the movie and the book had the same characters. They both had the same two settings : Narnia and the professors house. They both met the beaver. Peater asked "why are we being quite?" in the book and the movie. They all did as the beaver told them to and whispered in the book and movie!!!

  12. I am going to talk about the similarities and the differences.
    1.Edmond and Susan did not agree that much.
    2. Lucy was supriced when the beaver side her name
    SORRY I can't find out more.


    1. the beaver made singns like in the book
    2. Peter side come on boy to the beaver just like in the book.
    3. Susan and Edmond did not agree.

  13. One difference between the book and the video is that in the book there was lots more information than the video. Also in the book the beaver was hiding in the bushes and making the bushes move but in the clip he was just standing there. In the book Susan wanted to follow the beaver but in the clip she did not want to. She said that they could not be sure that the beaver was good. Also in the book the beaver put his hand on his lips like a human does but this did not happen in the clip.
    The main similarity between the book and the movie was the story and characters were the same. In both the beaver gave Lucy the hankerchief that she had given to Mr Tummnus.

  14. One of the similarities between the book and the video is the part when one of the beavers leading the four children to their den. Another similarity is when the beaver hushed them because the children were being too loud and if they where loud enough the witch’s spies could have caught them and it were the same in the video. One other difference between the book and video is when Lucy and Susan said “oh robin” but they didn’t show this in the video. Another difference is when Peter put his hand out and he was trying to call the beaver with a strange inviting sound in the video and the beaver said “I ain’t smelling that if that’s what you want” and it wasn’t written in the book. The book is more detailed than the video but the video is more exciting than the book in my opinion.

    1. Your story is good you have perfect punctuation^s and capital letters. Lots of speach marks and godd exiting words.

  15. The difference between the book and the video is Mr.Beaver line he says I can smell your hand I you like. You can talk said gives Lucy a hankerchief that the handkerchief that I gave to Mr.Tummnus.

  16. Similarity's The similarity is that the book and the film they both meet each other. They both have the same characters. Edmund didn't agree.They both give the hankerchief that Lucy gave to Mr.Tumnus.
    The difference is thats the book has more information.Susan and Edmund agree in the movie.In the movie Peter said its a beaver but in the book Lucy.

  17. I love your work Avani it is fantastic

  18. The main similarty between the book an the movie was the story and charcters were the same. Most of the novel is set in Narnia a land of talking animals and mythical creatures that the white witch has ruled for one hundred years of deep winter.

  19. The difference between the storybook and the video is that the storybook has more information and more features in it. Like when the Mr Beaver took the children to his house. However the video is important too because you can see the actual picture and colour, it is more lifelike.

  20. There are are a lot a differences and similarities between the book and the film, like if you are reading the book you can use your imagination but if you are watching the film you can not also you could imaginate somethig different to the film. One of the similarities are that Edmond was rude also one of the similarities are Edmond meats the White with and had some of that lovely turkish delite. One of the differences is that the film has sound so you do not have to read it. In the movie they did not show beaver hiding in the bushes. The most obvious similarity is the main charactes were the same.

  21. so the video there was the beaver and everyone id not know what did a beaver look like but in the video it tolled everything about the beaver and how did the beaver look like but right now we are reading the story and the book told us a bit becaus some people knew what did Peter,Susan,Edmand,the white Witch, and the beaver but in the video it tells us more information aboute what did people look like but some people didn't know how did Azland look like and some people knew that Azland was a lion but i did not know that so its better to look the video because the book dosnt have any picures so you wont know how and where there were and how they looked like .
