Who Wants To Be an Author?

Do you enjoy writing stories or poems? 


Our new topic is Imaginary Worlds.
You might like to think about introducing an imaginary setting or describe a made up character.

I look forward to reading your ideas!

Have you been thinking about the writing we have been doing in class and thought... I want to write more and about topics of my own choosing? 

Well Waterloo Class I think you ALL have the potential to be wonderful writers with practice, so I would like you to use this page to do just that.... practice!

Think about all the work we have been doing this term on story planning, engaging story openers, adjectival phrases and clauses and adverbial phrases, then have a go.

Try creating a 'Writer's Notebook' to collect seeds. Like real seeds, your writing seeds will bloom if planted and tended to. 

Really, all it is, is a scrap book where you jot down your ideas for stories (or any other text type), or where you stick in family photo's, a leaf from a special trip, ticket stubs, the tags from a new toy you brought, the wrapping paper from your birthday present...... ANYTHING that will inspire you to write.

Here are some writing seeds I have used to get me started.

The Holi Festival I went to in Zurich                                              Hanging Rock near my home town -
over the summer holidays.                                                             I miss the smell of eucalyptus and the                                                                                                                        sound of kookaburra's in the morning.

Once you have some ideas, feel free to share your actual writing as a comment on this page.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.


  1. Being back at my home town makes me remember the eagle who would fly down to are garden and eat are left over food.

    1. Maybe you could write a report about eagles over the school holidays!

  2. I remember when a robin used to sit on our fence in our back garden every day.

    1. Birds are such fascinating animals to observe, maybe this memory will inspire you to write a poem about a robin and little girl.

  3. description The sea glistened like a sparkling,silver miror.Waves lapped gently at the sides of the saucy Sue as she sailed silently along in the cool,refreshing breeze,her Jolly roger flag fluttering limply.Seagulls circled overhead,calling to each other.No-one would guess what terrible adventure lay ahead for captian Peg-leg and his crew of daring pirates.

    1. This description would make a wonderful story opener Hadi! It's engaging, descriptive, sets the scene, introduces the main character and gives clue about a potential problem or dilemma. Well done. Can you write a build-up?

  4. As I entered the streets of London I felt the fog flowing past my ankles.I closed my eyes and counted to three and before I took a step on the corner of my eye I saw a face...

  5. As I went in side the big house I sore a lovely cat called fluf it was a nice blak fere cat with sparkely eyes the cat blinkt at me. when the cats eyes blinkt on me I felt magical and all in powers I never had befor next time I see it I will see if she can talk

  6. As she got angry her arms started to rise and the sharpest pens were heading strait for head cheer leader. I ran and ran until I was brutally hit in the arm, I hit the ground. I soon found my self in emergency room Ellie at one end and a bright light in my eyes. As a made my way home I felt light headed a fainted. I woke up the next day with my butterfly lamp next to me and there laded an note I read "Me and Mum left for Tescos we'll be back in a few minutes From dad". I suddenly herd the door bell ring so I opened it was head cheerleader she gave me the latest perfume for saving her. A few minutes after I remembered what I had done I was proud.

  7. As she left the blazing fire be hide she felt the icy wind strike her in the face. Just then a voice said. " And where do you think your going, young lady!!!"
