Wednesday 20 November 2013

Literacy Homework - Write A Letter


This short animation film is about a conscientious farmer who tends to his crop of windmills and watches them blossom through the seasons until sadly they are damaged by a fierce winter storm!

Ideas to Think About!

Can you plant a windmill and do they need watering? What is the creator trying to say?
At the beginning the farmer is optimistic and hopeful. Is this true throughout the film? Explain your answer.
Are windmills good for the environment? Explain.
Do windmills spoil the landscape and why?

Your Task
Option 1

Research wind turbines and write a letter of support to the farmer commenting on his beautiful 'crop' and his efforts to help the environment.

Option 2
Research wind turbines and write a letter of complaint to the farmer about how his wind farm is spoiling the countryside.

Things to Remember 

Take notes when researching or planning your letter - organisation is key!

Think it, say it, write it, check it !!!!

Due Date: Wednesday 27th November
You may write your letter on paper and bring it into school if you prefer :)


  1. Dear farmer

    You are spoiling the countryside by growing to many wind turbines across our wonderfull countryside. I have heard farmers complain to me about wind turbines in their farms, covering all the space to grow their beautiful crops. Not only that you have been ruining animal homes and now the poor little animals have nowhere to live. So I suggest you apologise to the farmers and get rid of them silly wind tubines or you would have to pay a 90,000 pound fine, or if you do not do anything you will be under arrested.
    Your sincerely

    owner of the country side

    Wind turbines

    Wind turbines harness the power of wind and use it to generate electricity. Forty percent of wind energy in Europe blows over the UK, making it an ideal country for domestic turbines known as micro wind or small-wind turbines. A typical system in an exposed site easily generates more power than your lights and electrical appliances use. A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into electrical power.

    A wind turbine used for charging maybe referred to a wind charger. The result over a millennium of windmill development and modern engineering, todays wind turbines are manufactured in a wide range of vertical and horizontal axis types. The smallest turbines are used application such as battery charging for auxiliary power for boats or caravans or to power up traffic warning signs. Slightly larger turbines can be used for making small contributions to a domestic power supply whilst selling unused power back utility supplier via the electrical grid.

    1. Wow Lewis, you wrote a letter and included your research on wind turbines. I'm sure some others in Waterloo class will find this very useful.
      Your letter is very persuasive. A fine and possible arrest, yikes!
      You have some great sentence openers and vocabulary.
      Is there anything you could add to improve it?

  2. Dear Farmer,

    I have heard that you were planning to make lots of Wind turbine all around this awesome Countryside.The Wind turbine that you are planning will ruin the Countryside and it will annoy the people and animals.In my opinion you will need just few Wind turbine to generate the electricity for you Mill and other essential electricity that you need.The idea that you made was not sensible.You have to think about it smartly for Countryside people and animals benefit also.I recommend you to change your mind otherwise we are all will have to pay for it.

    Your sincerely

    MP of the Countryside

    The reason people build windmills is because they are a way to generate electricity to power our homes and factories.

    As well, wind is a renewable resource that doesn’t emit pollutants or create huge river diversions or reservoirs. Windmills don’t require complicated storage of dangerous nuclear waste. They don’t use coal. You build them and they spin relentlessly.

    We erect windmills because they are gentle on the environment and, oh yes, they create profit for the owners. But we want a planet in which we can breathe and windmills help us do that.

    But what is left of nature that we strive to preserve if we cover our land and oceans with windmills? To some they are beautiful works of art, much like what a photographer or painter or poet can do with a bird on a wire. To others, windmill farms are what they are — factories to produce electricity in much the same way General Motors builds cars.

    One of the reasons we try to minimize damage to the environment is to preserve the pristine and beautiful landscapes with which

    1. Sabrina, you have written a very persuasive letter, you obviously have also researched wind turbines. I like your choice of vocabulary too, it's very appropriate to the topic you are writing about.

      Do you know all the meanings of the words you used? Maybe you can choose a few and check the meaning in a dictionary. If you write your answers on this thread I will check them and maybe set you some more :)

  3. Dear Farmer

    MAY I thank you for planting windturbines as they are reduced our electricity bills and I am sorry that the storm ruined your precious windturbines that you had planted with care.BUT they became lots more .
    owner of the country side.

  4. Shaymaa
    15 Park Close

    24th November 2013

    Dear Mr. Farmer
    I am writing this letter to you to thank you for your efforts to build the wind turbines in the farms.
    Wind turbines are good because they produce power. A lot of farmers and residential houses can have electricity from the wind turbines without polluting the environment. the wind turbines use wind to produce power and this is natural, it will not give out harmful chemicals which damage the trees, flowers ...etc.
    So, thank you for helping in keeping the environment without pollution.

    Yours sincerely

    1. Shaymaa, well done for including some of the most important features of a letter (date, address etc) and for using some new vocabulary. Wind turbines are definitely environmentally friendly. How might the environment being polluted or damaged by other power sources?

  5. Dear farmer,

    I would like to say thank you farmer because you really do the hard work such, as, a. Growing lots of crops and look after animals and feed animals and you grow lots of wind mills to made power for the environment. The wind mill generate electricity to the whole environment for example house,hospital and shops and for the whole world .

    If you grow lots of wind mills you will kill all of the crops and hit plants and the animals and make the country side bader. If you grow lots of wind mills and if a stromee weather came it might broke the wind mill and the wind mill will hit plants and animals. Please make sure our wonderful and beautiful country side keep safely. If you not keep safely our country side i am going to complaint about you.

    your sincerely

    The country side team.

    1. Ashvin, good job on trying to balance your letter with the pro's and con's. Your spelling is terrific alsol!
      Remember to prove read your work before publishing it to ensure all your sentences flow and make sense. Try adding some connectives.

  6. Dear Farmer

    Your crop of windmills made your farm look beautiful. They produced electricity without polluting the environment. I am delighted to see you helping the local community with electricity from your crop of windmills. I was sad to see the damage that happened during the winter storm. But luckily in the spring the crop of windmills grew even bigger.

    You should sell the windmill seeds to others farmers telling them that they can make money from selling electricity. More farmers should change their crop to windmills because it will make more electricity. There will always be someone to buy electricity produced from windmill farm. For example schools, factories, hospitals, offices, houses, airports, railways, etc.

    The most important benefit of windmill farm is that it does not cause pollution to the environment.

    Keep up the good work.

    Yours sincerely,

  7. Dear farmer

    I like the idea of starting a wind turbine program because, wind turbine produces energy and electricity which means you can run the farm and have energy for your everyday needs. A advantage of a wind turbine is that once the wind turbine is built the energy it produces does not cause green house gases or other pollutants. A disadvantage of having a wind turbine is that the noise is going to be very disturbing. However I still think it is a very good idea for the farm, countryside and the environment.

    Good luck.
    yours sincerely Gresa Mikullovci

  8. Dear Farmer,

    I am writing to you about your wind turbines. They are destroying the lovely hills and countryside and ruining all the amazing landscape views. The poor animals are losing their habitats and we have less land for fruit and vegetables.

    People who live around the farm have been complaining about their TV and radio signals. This is very disrupting.

    I know the wind turbines are meant to help make electricity but they are less efficient than fossil fuel or nuclear energy, and farms are expensive to set up.

    I suggest you stop your wind turbines spoiling the future of the countryside!

  9. Ray John

    27th November 2013

    Dear Mr. Windmill Farmer,

    I am writing this letter to support you on this brilliant and beautiful crop of yours and your efforts to help the environment.
    I could say thank you for building the Wind mills because it generates electricity without polluting the environment. Thank you for trying to preserve what’s left of our nature using your wind turbines to produce natural electricity. It would be better if we could introduce this environmentally friendly technology to other nations in the future.
    A careful and a good plan in placing wind farms as for some birds get hit by this blades and the tower of the wind turbine while they were looking for their prey. Be careful in planting your wind turbines because it can disturb the habitat of plants and animals as well as people
    Yours Sincerely
    Ray John

  10. Farmer J
    23 cotton street

    Wed 27Nov

    Dear Farmer J,

    Your wind turbine idea is a great idea, especially to farmers like you because people in the county side need electricity. I see you have came up with solution and I agree.

    I fully support your idea because as lots people know that their is no electricity at all in the county side, farmers must be fed up with it but you aren't because you came up you came up with the wind turbine.I suggest that you recommend this to the town mayor and I gess he will approve it.

    Yours sincerely

  11. Laiba
    233 Heart Avenue
    LOV E00

    27th November 2013

    Dear Mr Farmer Windy,

    I think you have done a remarkable job of establishing this wind farm and doing an amazing job of looking after the environment.

    Wind turbines are better for the environment, because they do not pollute the atmosphere such as burning coal. Wind turbines rely on renewable energy, therefore it will never run out. These wind turbines look amazing in the countryside and they don’t turn the clouds grey such as burning fossil fuels. It is a clean source of energy!

    Thank you for all your hard work,

    Yours sincerely

    Laiba 

    1. Laiba, this is an excellent example of how a letter should be structured! I am so pleased to see you using new vocabulary and accurate punctuation also. Well done, can you offer any suggestions on how others may improve their work?

    2. Hi Laiba

      Star:You used good vocabulary e.g establishing
      Star: You've extended a sentence with a comma.
      Wish:The name don't make sense to me

  12. 215 the avenue
    tw7 7pp

    Dear farmer Jenkins

    re:Wind Turbines

    i was very interested to see that you have started a wind turbine programme .I would like to hear how many people are going to join this fascinating programme.
    I think the prospect of using wind power to meet our energy needs is very exciting.appreciate that you like your wind turbines but some people dont like your wind turbines. However, the need to meet our growing energy needs in an environmentally friendly way is i think more important than the appearance of the countryside.

    good luck and best wishes.

    Yours sincerely


    1. Well done Aman, you have structured the letter appropriately and used lots of relevant vocabulary. Can you check over your work and look at where you should have used capital letters. What are the rules here?

  13. Thank you to everyone who has written a comment. I am very impressed with your hard work and dedication to the Waterloo blog. Keep the momentum going and remember to give feedback to others by leaving a star and a wish.

    You could also remind others who haven't posted in a while to contribute.

  14. Dear Mr Farmer

    I am in awe of how much care and love has gone into your magnificent wind mills. You are doing a wonderful job, even small turbines in a backyard can produce enough electricity for a single home or small business. I am particularly happy because wind is a clean source of renewable energy, that produces no air or water pollution. Since the wind is free, operational costs are nearly zero once a turbine is erected. I am also delighted to tell you, that our government is happy to offer tax incentives

    But on the down side some people think wind turbines are ugly and complain about the noise the machines make. People also argue that the slowly rotating blades can kill birds and bats, this is true. Although it is not even close of how many, cars, power lines and high raised buildings do.
    Again I would like to commend you on progress, keep up the good work.

    Yours sincerely Aceise Khangura

    P.S I personally was really touched by your film, truly!!!

  15. Dear Nikita

    29th January 2014
    Dear Mr farmer i hope you are enjoying your wonderful work farming i think for you it should be fun.

    Like looking after animals like pigs, cows, horses and monkeys.
