Thursday 14 November 2013

Literacy Homework - Making Electricity

During Science Week we explored electricity and found out how it is generated.
This is one of the websites we thought was very useful, have a look:
YOUR TASK: Write a paragraph explaining how electricity is made, remember to use scientific vocabulary.
You could have a go at describing different methods if that's too easy!
How about hydro-electric power? Or nuclear energy?

Please have your blog entries written by Wednesday 19th November!


  1. Electricity can be made in different ways and a way I am going to explain to you is coal. The coal is heated up with animal dung and tree wood under water,the water then turns into steam that turns the generator and makes electricity.Another way of making electricity is a wind turbine.A wind turbine is Huge it spins round and round because of the wind,the generator is under ground and while the turbine is spinning the generator is spinning as well and it makes electricity.

    1. Terrific Annabella! Which method of making electricity is more renewable and environmentally friendly do you think?

  2. Electricity comes from:
    1)power stations
    2)wind turbines
    3)solar power
    4)water power
    5)battery power
    Coal is dug up and sent on trains and boats. The coal is burned to heat water to make steam. Inside the generator, the steam spins a big fan called a turbine. The spinning turbine rotates a big magnet around a piece of wire and that motion creates a magnetic field that electrifies the wire. The electric current flows through the wire and is pushed out through high-voltage transformers.
    More ways to make electricity:
    Instead of using coal, some power plants use other ways to make electricity:
    Some power plants burn natural gas instead of coal to make steam.
    A nuclear power plant splits apart uranium to release heat energy.
    A wind farm uses the wind to spin the blades of the turbine.
    A hydro power plant uses running or falling water to spin the turbine.
    UK uses natural gas more than coal and nuclear to conduct electricity.

    1. Wow, Shaymaa, you have really been doing your research. Did you plan this on paper first? Planning and drafting your work is a good way of remembering it all. Maybe you can give other people some tips, but remember to read your work a few times before publishing it.

  3. To make electricity you need coal,oiland water so you need to burn the coal and on water then it makes steam

  4. I'm going to tell you the way electricity is made by a coal. First the coal is mined and taken to a power plant,then the coal is burned in a boiler which causes the water in the boiler pipes to become steam. The steam travels through the pipes to the turbine.The steam spins the turbine blades,the spinning blades turn a shaft connected to the generator.In the generator,big magnets spin close to coils of wire. When this happens,electrical current is produced in the wires.Then the electricity goes out through wires to homes,school and businesses.

  5. I am going to tell you some great facts all about electricity. Electricity is generated in a power station but there are many different ways of making electricity like coal, hot water and wood!!!!! but because man has been is using coal, gas and oil it is polluting the environment . scientist's have created a new ways to make electricity such as wind power, wave power and solar power that uses the sun. It is important to use different sources of making electricity as coal , gas wont last for long !!!

    1. I love your work Laiba it is really good.

  6. Electricity is made by spinning a magnet in a coil of wire. There are many ways of turning the magnet.
    Coal, oli or gas can be burned to heat water into steam. This steam turns turbine blades which are connected to a magnet. the magnet spins in a coil of wire and makes electricity.

  7. Using coal to make electricty. Coal is dug and burnt to heat water to make steam. Inside a generator,the steam spins a big fan called a turbine. The spinning turbine rotates a big magnet around a piece of wrie and that motion creates a magentic field which electrifies the wire. The electric current flows through the wire and is pushed out through high voltage transformers.

  8. Electricity is made by using different sources of energy such as burning coal or oil or from wind or flowing water. Most power stations these energy sources to turn coils of metal wire past a magnet in a generator. Some solar power stations don't use magnets. Electricity arrives at our through wires from the places where it is made. It is used by electric lamps for producing light electric heaters to produce heat.

  9. There ara lots of ways to make electricity I am only going to explain two ways. Dung and wood are made to make fire, then the fire heats the water up causing it to make steam. The steam causes the a big fan called a turbine to turn. The turbine spins making the steam travel through some wries to the generator, next the generator makes electricity. The electricity is then transported to a station ready to get to your houses.

    The sun is a power source so it can make electricity. Here is a list of power sources water, wind,coal, and the sun. The sun powers up the solar pannels then the solar pannels make electricity, which flows to your houses. But not just any houses you have to have to have solar pannels on your roof. The idea of these solar pannels are to save money, so instead of going to the shop, the solar pannels can create there own electricity.

  10. Ray - John
    Using the Sun to make electricity
    The electricity from the sun is called solar energy. Solar energy is a type of energy that is not used commonly around the world.
    Solar panels or photovoltaic cells, converts solar radiation into direct current electricity, this electricity can then be stored into rechargeable batteries so it could be used when needed.
    You can find solar powered watches, pocket calculators, toys, traffic lights and to light up a house. Some buildings like our school have solar panels.
    Solar energy is free, does not cause any pollution to the environment, and I would strongly suggest to use and develop this technology for our future.

  11. I am going to explain different way to make electricity we can make electricity out of coal ,water ,sun, wind and battery. frist it travells underground then travells to the power lines then to your house to make electricity.Tidal turbines are one of the many ways. we can generate electricity from the sea. they are similar to wind turbines but the blades are turned by the tidal currents in the sea and must be much much stronger to surive the waves. wind turbines use a very big blade attached to a generator. The blades of the wind turbine catch the winds causing it to turn generating electricity.

  12. One way electricity is made is by fossil fuels. Coal, oil or gas heat water to produce steam. The steam turns a turbine. The turbine spins a magnet inside the generator to make an electrical force that is caught and sent into a high voltage power line. Here it is turned in to a direct current and sent to your home.
    There are other ways that electricity is made. Solar power is electricity from the sun and wind turbines use the power of the wind to make electricity.

  13. Electricity is made in many different ways. I am going to explain to you how hydroelectric power is produced. Water is needed to run a hydroelectric power station. The water is held behind a dam, forming an artificial lake, or reservoir. The force of the water being released from the reservoir through the dam spins the blades of a giant turbine. The turbine is connected to the generator that makes electricity as it spins. After passing through the turbine, the water flows back into the river on the other side of the dam.

  14. Electricity travels at the speed of light - more then 186,000 miles per second. a spark of static electricity can measure up to three thousand ( 3,000,000) volts, and it lasts less then one second. Electricity always tries to find the easiest path to the ground. Electricity can be made from wind , water , the sun and even animal poop.
