Thursday 28 November 2013

Literacy Homework - Description

It's (nearly...) Christmas!

Watch this video link.
It describes a journey in pictures.
The journey is long and hard, but it is important to the traveller.
I would like you to write a description of the journey.
Use your most carefully thought out sentences, with interesting, descriptive vocabulary.
Think it, say it, write it, check it !!!!
You can write your entry on the blog or on paper.
I look forward to seeing them by Wednesday 4th December.
Happy writing!
Miss Cleary


  1. The snowman goes on a long journey from his garden all the way to a town. He starts his journey on a quiet country road, then climbs up a hill and meets a flock of sheep. He travels through a wood and meets a robin by the river, this cheers him up. The weather gets much worse as he gets to the top of a mountain with strong winds and heavy snow. He then has to cross a motorway bridge and watches the cars race underneath him. At long last he reaches the town where he watches people doing their Christmas shopping and having fun throwing snowballs. He buys his present and sets off home.

    1. I love your description Kate!:)

    2. Me too! You have varied the sentence openers and retold the story in chronological order. Well done. Can you tell me how the snowman might have felt on his journey or why he searched so far and wide for the present?

    3. I think the snowman feels overwhelmed at first by his journey, but happy in the end to have a gift for someone he cares about.

  2. Ray John
    The advert “The journey” tells us about a story of love.
    It was about a snow man who wanted to get a present for the snow woman who didn’t have any warm things to wear, so the Snow man went on a long adventure to find his present. The journey was a rough, hard, and agonising but it was an important journey for the snow man. The journey was important because of his love and it was Christmas and the snow man’s wife the snow woman didn’t have any warm things to wear like hats, scarves and gloves.
    At the end I felt happy because the snow woman got her present and her present was a hat, a pair of gloves and a warm, soft scarf.

  3. The snowman wants to buy a Christmas present for the snow girl because she is feeling cold. She is his best friend and he cares a lot about her. It was night and the snowman has to travel to the nearest town where all the shops are.

    The town was quite far away and the snowman has to travel through lots of different places to get there. First he tried to get a lift from passing cars on the road but was not noticed. He then decided to walk to the town by crossing a farm full of sheep. Past the sheep farm he struggled through the blizzard blowing through the woods. Next came a fast flowing icy cold river that he had to cross by walking over stones.

    To reach the town he had to climb over a steep rugged stony slippery big hill. When he reached the top of the hill he could see the lights of the big town and the tall buildings.

    To reach the shops he had to get across a busy road with lots of traffic. That frightened him but he managed to get past the traffic. As he approached the shops he got caught up in a big snow ball fight in the street. So he hid behind the bins.

    When streets were clear he went into John Lewis to buy gifts for his friend. He bought a red scarf, a hat and gloves.

    In the morning when the sun rose the snow man had returned to his original place next to the snow girl.

  4. Once upon a time there was a cold winter the snow man wanted to buy a christmas present for his friend because shes feeling cold. then the snow man dissied to go to the town centure to buy a present first he started to his journey through the farmyard and he saw a lots of sheep.After that he walked through rain forest.

    when he saw the robin landed on his hand he was angury because he dosnt want the robin landed on his hand. next he is crossing the river and found the huge mountain when his climbed on the mountain he saw the big city centure.

    finally hes reached the town there was a lots of traffic in there some of the people throwing a snowball each other the snow man hiding behind the rubbish bin.The end the snow man bought a pair of red gloves , scraf and a hat for his friend.

  5. This video is all about a humble, selfless and empathetic snowman.
    The snow man cares so much for the snow lady, he went on an unpleasant journey to get a hat, scarf and gloves, for his friend who was so cold.
    During his journey he went through charging sheep’s, across an icy lake and he climbed a mountain through strong blustery winds.
    He finally returned to his friend with the patterned warm hat scarf and gloves he bought from John Lewis.

  6. In my opinion this advert is about a Christmas holiday which the little boy and girl went in holiday and in the beautiful place which was full of snow and a wonderful view. The boy and girl was making snowman's the snowman and the snowgirl looked amazing they put nice scarves and gloves they were looked absolutely amazing.The girl made the snow girl for the boy as a Christmas present, and the boy made the snowman for the girl as a Christmas present.While they were enjoying their parents called them to come inside.While the family were on their journey back home the little boy and girl were imaging that the snowman and the snowgirl was following them all the way their way because they love their present they wanted to take it with them as it was imposable to take the present they had the memories with them for ever.

  7. The snowman wants to buy a hat, scarf and a pair of gloves for the snow girl because she doesn't have anything to keep her warm. He cares a lot about her, it was a long journey for the snowman. At night he went to find a town to get her the present. The journey starts off by a quiet farm but as soon as he was walking a huge flock of sheep ran past him, the snowman was struggling to get past them. Next he was walking through a slippery forest full of tall trees, then he came by a river and met a robin and that tiny robin made him angry. The snowman crossed the river by jumping on rocks. After that he came to a noisy town he watched people walking past him and cars driving past him. The snowman came across a bunch of teenagers having a snow fight, finally he went to a shop and bought a warm hat, a pair of fluffy gloves and a multi-colored scarf. The next day the snowman bought back the gift to the snow girl and she nice and warm.

  8. The snowman goes on a long journey to a big town he goes from his garden to a river and meets a bird that tells the snowman where to go next. He goes to a big mountain that was very hard to climb up to, then he went to the town and saw people doing Christmas shopping, and playing snowball fights.The next day snow man bought the presents for snow girl then he traveled back home,

  9. This journey is about a snowman and a snow girl. The snow girl did not have any warm clothes to wear so the snowman goes to find some. It was a very difficult journey for him. First he passed some houses and a few hills. Next hundreds of fluffy, noisy sheep came from nowhere. He then passed tall, rough trees with spiky twigs sticking out. After that some powerful wind blew and snow flakes came dropping down. He met a robin that landed softly on his arm. He then came to lots of mountains and climbed to the top of one. At the top he could see all the cars and lights of the town. He then appears on top of a motorway bridge and sees all of the traffic and lights. Then he hid behind some bins because some people were enthusiastically snowball fighting. He came across some shops and kindly bought a red spotty hat, zig-zag gloves and a scarf with squares. Finally he reached home and gave the gifts to the snow girl. She was very happy and so was the snow man.

  10. As the snow man entered the hard as rock road, his snow would be lost every step.He found himself in a folk of fluffy warm sheep so he battled across the field of sheep,to find himself in a forest full of giant trees that reached the clouds.He was soon in a big snow storm with lumps of freezing cold lumps of snow blowing to his face.A few steps ahead he arrived at a stream, with hard rocks suddenly a tiny Robin landed on his arm and told him to jump on the rocks to the other side.He was found face to face with a huge mountain he had to climb,he knew he could never give up he loved her and needed to buy her that hat scarf and mittens.He climbed and climbed all the way to the top.He soon made it to town and had to pass the raging cars.The snow man had to carefully walk through the battle of a snow ball fight.He stopped and looked at the stars and knew he had to be back before morning. Hopefully he did and she was so delighted to see he worked soooo hard to buy her a red soft hat,scarf and mittens.

  11. The snowman wanted to buy a hat, scarf and gloves for the snowgirl because it was getting very cold and the snowgirl was sad.The snowman wanted the snowgirl to be happy. In order for snowgirl to be happy the snowman travelled through the icy road and on to a big hill, on the way down the hill the snowman saw a massive flock of sheep. He went through the wood and saw a cute little robin by the river and this cheered him up but still he was quite sad.

    As he travelled onto the mountain the weather got alot worse eventually he got to the top and had a beautiful view of the city. As he crosses the bridge and road all the cars go past them with lightning fast speed. When he got to the city he sees teenagers playing and he was worried he would get hit. After that he finally got the things the snowgirl needed. The snowgirl was grateful for what the snowman gave her.

  12. the snowman went on a special journy to get a hat, scarf and gloves for the snow woman,he started of his journey on a country lane, with hills covered in snow on one side and bare trees on the other side, then through the snow covered field with rolling hills, he looks sad when he comes across the sheep. He then throught a forrest and a snow storm and on and on till he reaches a river where he meets a bird that sat on his arm singing, he crosses the freezing cold river and climbs up a mountin, when he reaches the top he admires the view of the city below . He crosses the foot bridge over the motorway, he hides behind the garbage bins and watches the children play snowball fighting and then he goes into town where he goes to the shop buy the gift for the snow woman and then makes his way home to give snow woman the present.

  13. the snowman goes on a big long adventure to town from his garden to the road field and to the river he sees people having a snowball fight and having fun he also sees people doing shopping he saw a huge mountain that will be hard to climb up but the snowman climbed it and made it . he goes to the lonely wood that has loads of trees and then he went home and got snow women a scarf hat and glove.

  14. the snow man goes somewere and like enjoy his dat then he goes and jump on rocks and under the snow man water can freez him but after he goes to a street where theres lots of people play snow ball fight he he went to the top of the snowy hill and looks at the thew and then the new day the snow man comes back with a scarf,gloves and a hat i dont no were he got all of that.


    1. Daniel, please re-read your work Daniel and add capital letters and full stops appropriately. Try reading it aloud a few times and make the changes as you go.

  15. This story is about a snowman who cares so much about the snow girl.He has to travel far in the town,where everyone is enjoying themselves.So he goes out of the town ,a bird comes onto his shoulder and tells him you have to climb this mountain.On the next he goes over the top of the mountain,when he finds the gift for her.The gift was a hat,scarf and gloves.He had to go back the same route and give the gift

    1. Hadi, you have sequenced the events correctly, just check all your sentences make sense and think about different time connectives to add interest.

  16. This story is about a snowman who cares so much about the snow girl . He has to travel far in the town , where everyone is enjoying themselves . SO he goes out of the town ,a bird comes onto his shoulder and tells him you have to climb this mountain.
