Thursday 12 December 2013

Literacy Homework - Fog!!

The below photographs were taken yesterday by @MPSinthesky, a Twitter account managed by those flying London's police helicopters.  They do a very important job protecting our city, and they also get a great view, which they like to share!

The first picture shows the fog covering everything but the very centre of London, and the second one is of Canary Wharf, with the skyscraper buildings poking out above the fog!

The pictures really made my imagination start to race! Imagine if the fog was thicker? Imagine if it didn't go away? What if the fog started to creep into the buildings?  If anyone is reading The Magician's Nephew with Mr Wright, you may have read about a very thick, mysterious foggy light...

Imagine you are in the middle of this foggy city. Write a description of your surroundings. Think about what you can see and hear. How do you feel? Are there other people around you? Who might you meet there?

Let your imagination go for a wander into this strange new place! 

I look forward to reading your contributions by Wednesday 18th December. 

Remember to 'Think it, Say it, Write it and Check it' before publishing.



  1. I am in a really foggy city that's in the middle of nowhere .It smells like peppermint and nobody is hear
    and the houses are made of candy like a gingerbread house .There are flowers that looks like lolly pops
    and the grass is warm and fuzzy and pink like candy floss but the castle is different then the others
    because it is nothing about candy instead it is made of blue bricks that is harder the metal and
    inside there are lots of portraits and there is a massive table and chairs and there are pictures of a family
    hanged up on the wall and by the way I think who ever they are they must have been enormous to be
    living in this castle.

  2. If I lived in the middle of this city, I would feel frightened to walk outside because I cannot see anything in the distance. People would need torches so they can see through the thickness of the fog. It would be very cold and the air would be very moist so I would have to wear my wellies and raincoat all the time. This very thick, mysterious and dark fog would make it hard to go anywhere because you cant see anything at all. There is sunshine bursting through open holes in the sky, however it would disappear in a few minutes. It would be very hard to do anything until this fog goes away. I would like the feeling of touching the fog, I know that I can't touch it but I would like to pretend that I am touching it because I like pretending, I would like to take some pictures of the fog as it looks very artistic and I would like to keep on looking at it when ever I wanted to.

  3. I was in the fog it was really scary and I went up this huge building and I felt sick but I did not look down. The fog was going inside the building and I ran to the top. At the top I could see all the fog below. I was not the only person at the top a crowd of people had followed me to get away from the fog. When I looked around I saw a cafe and thought I would buy some food. The lady serving in the cafe said " we don't get many customers here because of the fog". Once we had eaten our food I said "we had better go down to the street" because the fog was starting to clear.

  4. Ray john
    Early in the morning, when I opened the window, I saw a thick, white fog covering the whole city. When I got there I heard the sound of cars beeping, birds tweeting and I could hear the local people talking. I could hear them talking but I couldn’t clearly see them. It made me feel scared and lost. My surroundings felt cold and chilly.

  5. One morning i woke up from the bed at 6.30 am and opened the window and when i saw the sky, it was clear that day my school was holiday me and my dad think about to go to shopping city of London. We,re going to the by city our jeep. when we were going on the way suddenley the wheather changed.

    The sky was very dark then it started raining then me and my dad saw a fog in the sky after we reached the city slowly. and after my dad parked the car then we entered the city centre suddenly the fog came little bit more cross out half of the city building was fog i coudnt see any thing i was scared we did nt buy any thing because all the shop was fog, i cant see any body i heard only the people screaming noice and some people shouting crying in the fog unfortunately i missed my dad i was crying.

    The fog was coming more and more all the city building was closed because of the fog i could not imagine this in my life finelly i find my dad my self then the fog was little bit ligter then we get back home we say about this to my mum she was panic.

  6. One morning in New York I opened my window and saw a very thick fog blow the sky.That morning I could't see a thing with all the fog around me. I had to go to work so I rushed off it looked so white just like heaven. I called my manger and said I cannot make it to work I'm so sorry my manger said ok on one eles came to work. It was nelly night time I went. I worke up and the fog was go. THE END!

  7. If I was in that big strong fog I would fell frightened it would fell very cold. I would have to ware my coat, hat, scarf, and gloves so I put them on and went to the park I saw something moving in the bushes it was a little bird how had a cut on his wing so I took the bird home when the bird went off I can't let it go what about the fog I don't no what to do I went off. In to the fog it was stronger than ever I could not see so I wanted to go home but no luck I set the bird free and I found my way back home.

  8. Ah , I was just stretching at 7.00am just after I woke up , I had to go to work at 9.00am so I decieded to get ready, just as I was about to step out I saw a misty fog I thought it was odd that there was a fog and i just got a call from work that it is cancled so I investigated the flat. I saw all sorts of mysterious things just then I saw a shadow it looked very spooky and it turned out to be one of my workmates so he agreed to join my quest to see what is causing this mysterious fog.

    While we were walking my workmate descibed it as fire burnig and thick smoke coming from the fire because the fog was so thick like smoke . We noticed every time we went down a little bit the fog dissapered a little bit suddenly we heard a noise saying " help me" we figured out it was a old man because of his delecate voice , then we saw some glasses and returned it to the old man.Then we got to the bottom and every thing was clear again.

    we thought it was the sky that we thought was the fog that still does not explain why the sky was so low ,suddenly a avalaunch of fog came shooting from the sky so me and my workmate said "so it was not the sky it was real fog after all." Suddenly the hole city started to panic.....

  9. I was just getting ready for school when I realised that I could not see out of the window,the whole street was not visible due to fog . I was very shocked to see so much fog outside.When I walked to school I could hear my friends but not see them,I had to be careful in case I was walking on the road.

    I noticed that the planes were not flying and the buses were not running.This made it seem so much quieter that it was spooky.

    As I walked down the alley I suddenly felt myself falling forward.I had not seen the rubbish bins because the fog was so thick.In a flash I landed on my nose , I was red with embarressment but thankfully no one saw me because of the fog.

    When i got to school the playground was full of noise.Some children were shouting "you can't see me", other children were playing tag and bumping in to each other.despite my saw nose I joined in with the game of bump tag.

  10. As I was driving back from work I gradually became swathed by a soft, puffy cloud of fog.
    I always knew my way back home very well but it had become impossible to navigate my way through the fog.
    I was blinded by the fog and I brought my car to a halt. I stepped out and found myself at a bowling alley. I waked in leaving the fog behind me. To my surprise my friends were there too. I decided to play for a little while I had so much fun and soon the fog cleared up and I could safely drive home.

  11. One morning, I woke up at 6:30 am but I was still tired. I opened the window for some light, but all I could see was a thick layer of fog. I got dressed and left for work. As I stepped outside I couldn't even find my way to the car. I was very scared because it was so dark and I was lost. I could see a shadow closer and closer and closer. Who could it be, a robber a kidnapper a ghost a monster? As it came closer, I saw a face, it was my workmate. She told me that work was closed today because of the thick layer of fog that was covering the whole of London, so I went back to my house.The fog started to creep in my house, I couldn't see a thing. To be continued.......

  12. I was in a forest full of animals then I saw something so I walked closer to it and after it became really foggy
    and cold .After a while I reached a city in the middle of the fog and it smelled like chocolate and there were
    no people in the city and then something cane out of the fog and it was a bunny shivering madly then I knew
    that it was getting colder so I found a secret door behind some big rocks so I went in then when I got out
    I ended up back in the forest again.

  13. if i was in the massive fog someone would fall down and they will get heart.Theere are alot of fog on top of us some people
    call it clouds but clouds are fog because it can go froue us but the fog has a lot of air in it.

  14. this is so cool the sky is amazing it is so foggy I saw a building was covered with fog


    Leaning to my death at the top of big ben. Surrounded by a thick coat of fog. With a Hwian T-shirt, ripped red shorts and a pair of rainbow spotted flip flops, to keep me warm. Suddenly a creature formed in the fog. It had two red golf ball eyes that looked into my very sole. It reached out it's arm towards me, if you ask me I would say he was practically made of fog. As he reached his arm towards me he nearly scratched me with his long, yellow, curvy nails. Then in a voice like death he croaked "I am the fog monster, close your eyes you insulted little brat." I obeyed and let my eyes droop closed.

  16. I woke up at 7:30 sharp to get ready for work. As I was brushing my teeth when I realised it was really dark than usual but I ignored it. As I stepped out side I noticed it was extremely cold and foggy, it was never like this in New York. I rapped up warm and made sure no fog hit my face. Right before I was going to come in for work a huge crowd of wind hit the whole state. All of the dust started to blow into my eyes I suddenly fainted.....

  17. This is so cool in the sky its so amazing I have never ever seen this in my life I cant look away because when ever I look at it my smile is so big and the gosh of it. I have to show this to my mother and dad they will love this and its big, wide, amazing and why is the building SO hi !!!!!!!!!!!!. I have seen a fog so many times and its quite disturbing when you think about it and you can't look so far do you know why, because it is like steam and like gas. I can see the houses and the lovely fog.

  18. I woke up at 6.00 and I was so scared because I just look at of my window and it was so many fog outside." Suddenly the hole city started to panic..... I saw all sorts of mysterious things just then I saw a shadow it looked very spooky and it turned out to be one of my workmates so he agreed to join my quest to see what is causing this mysterious fog.

  19. Wow that is good Nikita

  20. It was 5.30, I looked out of the clean window. Suddenly i could not even see a building. Everything was covered with thick fog. After a couple of hours it hade cleared up a bit but not that much.The important thing was that I needed to go to the shop to get bread and milk and some uther things. The next day I could see some of the buiildings and shops but the fog was still there..i was worried that i would not get any toast or tea. After a while the fog had gone so i made my way to the shop. THE END
