Wednesday 16 October 2013

Literacy Homework - A Perfect Day Diary Entry

This picture looks like it might be somewhere I would have a Perfect Day!  A Perfect Day could be anything!  A trip out; a day with your friends; going to a party with your family; it’s something that makes you feel happy!

We have been finding out about diary entries, which are a type of recount.

This is the skeleton we have looked at, as well as the structure and language features we discussed too!

If you look at this website, you can find a whole diary to read online.  It might help you with some ideas:  Diary Entry Link

I want you to picture your ‘Perfect Day’!  It could be a day which you imagine, or even a day which you have really experienced.

Plan a diary entry for your ‘Perfect Day’ using the skeleton (we have used this skeleton before in class – remember, use it as a memory jogger to help you plan).

When you have planned it, write your diary entry as a reply on the blog.

Remember the non-negotiables

·         Full stops and capital letters
·         Paragraphs
·         Interesting details for your audience
·         Past tense
·         Chronological order


  1. Dear Diary
    My perfect day was when I visited the biggest water park in Europe during half term holiday in May 2013. The water park was called Siam Park and it was on the Canary island of Tenerife. The artificial beach had a gigantic wave machine which made huge waves.

    We first went on a ride called the dragon.It was the second scariest ride in the water park. We couldn't go on the scariest ride as there was a minimum age limit of 14. The Dragon ride was cool as it took me up and down very high and fell straight down through a narrow tube. For me it wasn't scary but it was for my sister.

    Then we went on a ride called River Rapids set in a dingy. We started at the top of a very high slope. There were 4 of us in the dingy which went very fast and bumped along the sides. At one stage during the ride we were off the ground up in the air. This was a very exciting ride.

    The third best ride was The Giant. My mum and dad were too scared to go on it but my sister came with me. The ride was fast and it took us down a spiralling tube. In places we were going up and down very high in the air. My sister was screaming like mad whilst I was laughing.

    I will always remember this holiday for the fantastic water rides. I hope one day my parents will take me back to Tenerife so that I can re-live this perfect day.

  2. Sunday 13th October 2013

    Dear Diary,
    I've had the best day ever . I couldn't think of a better day as best as this.

    Mother and Father thought of taking me and my two friends to the beach . It couldn't be better , the sand was so soft and fluffy . My friend brought a set up diving board , when she jumped she forgot how to twist and did a belly flop.My dad was going to go fishing , he had a look at the sign and it said " walk 2 miles to the fishing site" dad got very annoyed because he didn't want to walk that much.

    I brought my bucket and spade ,I wanted to make a huge sand castle and after 30minutes I made a sand castle nearly as big as me. Me and my friends started to get hungry then my mum saw a nice restaurant called Nacheros , it had big pizzas, me and my friends got to have are own mini pizzas.

    On the way home I was so tired I was nearly got left behind.

    1. I love your diary entry Annabella.

    2. Annabella, your day sounds wonderful! Well done on beginning your diary like you are addressing it to a close friend, after all a diary entry is like a letter to yourself!

  3. Diary entry

    My perfect day was when me, my sister and mum went to Beijing zoo in China in the last summer holiday. First we had to pay for the tickets our queue was massive!The first thing we saw was a brown , big bird but we were looking for the chinese pandas, we were looking for it because it was very rare ,when we found it we took some pictures of it. The panda was black and white and we saw him eating bamboos, when i saw it i felt very lucky.

    Next we had to look for the tigers it took a very long time to find it because it was a big zoo. We only saw a white big tiger but each day they put a different tiger in the cage because they have a lot of tigers in that zoo.

    After that we went to see the different animals but on the way we saw the lions my sister really wanted to see them so we took a look it was a male lion, but unfortunatly the lion was a sleep. Suddenly I saw a little montain so i climbed it and my mum took some pictures. next we had a little rest because me and my sister were tierd.

    Then we went to see some statues of the penguins , we took some nice pictures of the penguins, but the penguins were just the colour black.Next we went to see the elephants when we got there it was really stinky but they were really ultra big, we were lucky to see them eat leaves and stuff like that.

    Finally i saw the monkeys and the deadly wolves.The monkeys were reallycool they climbed the tree really fast. The wolves looked really scary and they were digging holes so they could relax in it, next i took some medicine becuase at that time i was not feeling very well so we went home, although i still felt sick i really enjoyed the trip to Beijing zoo.

    1. Wow, what a very special experience Lewis. Your writing is wonderfully descriptive, sequential and you have used a variety of good connectives and sentence openers. Remember a diary entry is like a letter to yourself, so try and begin it with something like, 'Today I was looking back on old photographs and came across one taken at the Beijing Zoo. Staring at it reminded me of how it was the most perfect day ever! etc.

  4. Welcome to my diary,
    I went to france with my family frist i went on the jeep 2012. Then i went,on the ferry it was very exited the sea was glowing .The my sister and me were playing on the moterbike a game.
    My perfect day was diseny land in france the starting of diseny land was very beautiful place they were somany tutorst people visited diseny land . My favourite ride was Dumbo the Elephant because it was awsome and my sister also enjoyed with me this ride too.
    Ater that we came to looked world famous tower in paris when i saw that tower it was very very long. I went many places in my hoilday dubai,scotland,isle of wight lego land but perfect places was diseny land.
    I hope all the children were enjoyed that place.

  5. Dear Diary
    My perfect day was when I went to Bournemouth beach. I went in the sea and then I went to play in the sand. and make a sand castle. We also had an ice cream and had dinner at a restaurant.

  6. Dear Diary,

    Yesterday I had the most spectacular day of my life, we went on holiday to Hawaii and we went to the beach. It was so beautiful there were lots of palm trees filled with fresh cocoanuts. It was so sunny the clouds were pure white and the water was so bright.

    Whilst my Mother and Father were laying the picnic mat, my brother and I leapt in the water and we started to have a water fight but then my brother felt a pinch on his leg and it was a crab! The crab was dangling on his leg, he kicked his leg with a fright and it went flying off.

    After, we made sandcastles out of rocks, flags and shells. Mine was really big, it had two flags on the top and lots of rocks surrounding it and a moat. We collected lots of rocks and threw them at each other’s sandcastle and destroyed them.

    Mum and Dad called us to eat lunch the food looked delicious, there were sandwiches, crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks like coke, fanta, sprite, doctor pepper and 7 up. I had a sandwich, coke and crisps, it was delicious. When we all finished eating all of us went in the water, and we had a great time splashing. Father pretended to be a monster and the rest of us had to try and swim away and he caught Mother.

    Father bought us both ice-cream mine was strawberry and vanilla, and my brothers had vanilla with chocolate sprinkles. It was really nice!

    Sadly, it started to rain so we had to go home, but we had a great time. I hope our cousins will come so I could tell them all about our day!

  7. I have had the happy holiday ever In the massive field was driving all the time and I went to my country cold
    Lebanon its a very hot country when I went there we gone on holidays like a playing place it has a lot things and there are a lot
    of motorbikes there its so hot you better go there.

  8. Dear Diary,

    It was a sunny day me and my family was all packed up and ready to go. It was going to be a long journey ahead of us. 7 hours later we arrived at Germany,we only had 2 miles of driving to do until we arrived at our hotel,the room was massive.The hotel had a indoor swimming pool,which was nice.The next day we had breakfast and went out. We went to the funfair which was very exciting,then after we went for ice cream. The next day we left for Croatia. We stayed at hotel by the sea for 8 days,we had so much fun. From Croatia we drove to Montenegro,we went to our auntie's house and stayed there for 2 weeks. Her house is by the beach,we had so much fun going to the beach everyday. After we took our auntie with us and we drove to Kosovo. I can't wait for another long summer holiday.

    1. That's nice Greasa ! I love your diary entry !

  9. Dear Diary,

    it was one of the best day of my live. I saw a swimming pool where the crocodiles were sliding . We saw a lion bigger than a leaf I could not even believe it was bigger than a leaf.

  10. Dear Diary,

    I had a perfect day at the beach with the wind blowing slowly across the beach and me and my sister built a lovely sand castle with some water around it.My mums friends came a few minutes later it was so much fun and I built a water slid with some sand and I also added some water on it.

    We had some ice-cream in the car on the way home from the beach then me and my sister drew some pictures when we where at the beach.

  11. dear diary, My perfect day was when i went to see pakistan vs westindies.It was the icc champions trophy and I even brougt a poster saying that come back shahid afridi,there batting was good but not very strong.I even saw lots of supporters for the pakistan team.

    I took a day of school when Iwas supposed to be in school,Ithought it was a waste of time because pak lost.

  12. Dear Diary,

    It was one of the best day with my friend.We went to the beach and we went to lots of rides at the funfair.

    At the first ride I got a bit scared at the second and the rest of the rides i wasn't scared even if they faster.I remember one of ride that was the fast's ride that I wasn't scared of.

    We got to eat tuna sandwich and juice with ice we even got doughnut too.We didn't eat in a restaurant our friend bought food and we ate it at the car.

    We went to the beach it was next to the funfair. We went in the sea with our swimming costume it was very cold.

  13. Dear diary,
    Today was the best day of my life!
    I went to this AMAZING beach in Malaysia with my Brother, Sister, Mum and Dad.
    I couldn’t believe that the sand was so hot I was on my toes until we got to the water!
    I was splashing my brother and sister in the water and we even saw small cute baby tortoises!
    We had fish and chips and made big sand castles.

    1. Why don't you you could add in some more detail.

  14. On a lovely day, my family and I went to the beach. There was my sister, my mum, my dad and me. It was so hot and sunny. We all went the day after my birthday and we were all very excited. We had a great time at the beach.

    First me and my sister made a boat out of wood. The boat was floating on the sea.

    Next we made a gigantic sandcastle which had a moat going around it. We buried my dad in the sand while he was sleeping.

    Ice cream vans were going around so we all had one. We had a bag of empty bottles from drinking so much as we got so thirsty in the boiling hot weather.

    We put our swimming costumes on to go in to the water. The water felt cold and it was salty. When we put our faces in the water, our eyes were stinging a bit when we took them out.

    At the end I tried to help my sister to swim but she could not do it.

    I wish i could go again. I love the beach. It was the perfect day.

  15. Dear Diary
    Today was the best day of my life. I went to Scotland with my mum, dad and sister. We are staying in a nice hotel on the outskirts of Dundee. My favourite bit was when we drove to Glamis Castle and through the lovely countryside. It was full of wildlife. I saw some Oyster catchers in the ploughed fields and also a Buzzard flying in the air.
    In the castle It was amazing inside and I really enjoyed learning about the history of the castle. I was still more interested in watching the wildlife. There were Hare chasing each other outside and we saw dozens of pheasants and some red squirrels. The day finished with me and my dad having a fish supper on the River Tay estuary. It was cold but I sat ouside with my Dad and ate my food and watched Curlew's. Perfect!


  16. Dear Diary,

    Today was one of those great days .
    After what seemed like hours, we parked up next to the Italian lake of Fiesta in the national park. The lake was surrounded by the Sibillini mountains ,that were layered with greenery. We trampled down rickety stairs which opened into a pebbled shore that spread into a vast crystal clear lake. The evening sun gleamed onto it with a giant smile.

    There were people swimming, fishing playing and eating next to this heavenly sight. I quickly flung my shoes and socks to the side as I was drawn to it like a bear to honey. As I was splashing in the warm shallow water something hit my shoulder, it was my cousin, he had been skimming rocks with my uncle and one had accidently hit my shoulder. Just then I spotted a piece of wire, a thought entered my mind and I tied a loop at the end.Put it in the water and waited. Something tugged ,I was too overwhelmed with excitement, that whatever it was had just about the right amount of time to swim away.

    Yours truly Aceise

    P.S. It was a glorious day as it was, but not the best for fishing.

    1. Hi Aceise i am Sahnavi from olympic park class and i love your perfect day diary entry,I think you could give yourself a pat on the back for a fantastic piece of work

  17. Ray John

    Dear diary,

    It was the most exciting day I’ve ever had in my life. Why? Because on September 12th 2013 it was my dad’s birthday so we decided to go to Buckingham Palace to celebrate Dad’s birthday. I was with my Mum, Dad, my little brother Angelo and my Lola or grandma who came from the Philippines.
    When we got to Buckingham Palace we went to the Queen’s Gallery and me and my family saw lots of old paintings of the Queen’s family and relatives like Queen Victoria and King Henry VIII. Then we went to the Royal State rooms in the Queen’s palace. We were given ear phones which were programmed to tell us information about the different rooms in the palace. After that we went to the Royal Mews where the Royal carriages and horses were kept. At the centre of the Royal Mews there was the Queens golden carriage which the Queen used during her coronation.
    Later on we went to a Spanish restaurant to have lunch. We had onion rings, gambas or fried prawns, calamari and paella. Ray John
    Dear diary,
    It was the most exciting day I’ve ever had in my life. Why? Because on September 12th 2013 it was my dad’s birthday so we decided to go to Buckingham Palace to celebrate Dad’s birthday. I was with my Mum, Dad, my little brother Angelo and my Lola or grandma who came from the Philippines.
    When we got to Buckingham Palace we went to the Queen’s Gallery and me and my family saw lots of old paintings of the Queen’s family and relatives like Queen Victoria and King Henry VIII. Then we went to the Royal State rooms in the Queen’s palace. We were given ear phones which were programmed to tell us information about the different rooms in the palace. After that we went to the Royal Mews where the Royal carriages and horses were kept. At the centre of the Royal Mews there was the Queens golden carriage which the Queen used during her coronation.
    Later on we went to a Spanish restaurant to have lunch. We had onion rings, gambas or fried prawns, calamari and paella.
    When we got home I felt tried but it was the most unforgettable day of my life.

    When we got home I felt tried but it was the most unforgettable day of my life.

  18. it cood be somewhere that it has sun shine and a lovley trees that has alote of ear so i could of went there in my life i woulde like it there.

    i would take a trip to there with my hole family and i cant see the houses that we could live and that couls be in thereso i really wish i could go there but if i did i would hav a happy life and i would hav so much fun

    so i go there and hav fun in my hole life i would lovely stay there for 10 day i woude be so happy if i really whent there so i can h fun all day long.

  19. Wow Waterloo! Lots of brilliant diary entries here! Lots of you are using full sentences, paragraphs and lots of description - what a pleasure to read.

  20. I agree. These kids are more amazing than mu class.Wow! Miss Cleary you have a fantastic class, please make sure that this keeps on going.
