Wednesday 9 October 2013

Literacy Homework - Shapes

This week in Maths we have been investigating.....

We have talked about the properties of different 2D and 3D shapes, and looked at various paintings and sculptures which use shapes.

Can you identify any 2D shapes in the Paul Klee painting entitled 'Landscape with Sunset? Write about what you can see in full sentences. Can you use any of the mathematical vocabulary discussed in class?

Landscape with Sunset - Paul Klee

Look at the pictures of everyday 3D shapes.



Can you remember the proper names for each shape? Write a couple of sentences to tell me about their properties. Can you give me other examples of 3D shapes seen in every day life?

Remember to think your sentences through carefully before writing, then proof read it before publishing.

Please respond by Wednesday 16th October.

Happy shape hunting Waterloo Class!

Miss Cleary

               Aditya's Homework                                                            Deesha's Homework



  1. In the centre there is a symmetrical house made of squares and a triangle. Surrounded by inverted and isosceles triangles. Quadrilaterals' as well including squares and rectangles.

  2. I can see triangles and squares and rectangles

    1. Hi Gurvir what else can you see writ a little bit more, but well done Gurvir.

    2. okay i will try next time

  3. In the middle there is a house made of quadrilateral's and a triangle.
    The ball is a sphere the crips box is a cylinder and the chocolate box is a prism.

  4. Your work is very cool I really like it Aceise your the 1st person to do it well done Aceise .

  5. In the picture i can see a house made a lot s of shapes triangles, square s and rectangles.Also in my live i seen 3D shapes ,,, dice,marker pen and bed,roof.

  6. In the painting, Landscape with Sunset I can see a isosceles triangle and a square in the middle which is a house. The shapes I can see are: isosceles triangles, different sized squares, 1 right angle triangle and rectangles. The squares and rectangles are quadratic shapes.

  7. The names for the 3d shapes are triangular prism, cylinder and sphere. The triangular prism has 9 edges, 5 faces and 6 vertices. The cylinder has 0 edges, 3 faces and 0 vertices. The sphere has 1 face, 0 edges and 0 vertices. In my life have seen: a Dice, a washing machine, a fridge, a clock and a door.

  8. i can see a house made of shapes and i can see triangles square and rectangles. I can see orange, yellow, green black and brown colours. I can see chocolate that is shaped as a prism. The pringles are in a cylinder shape. A football that is made up of hexagons.

  9. The the triangle on top of the quadrilatril square is a scalene triangle. The big qudrilatril square in the middle with windows is symmetrical. The house in the middle is surrounded by triangles such as isosceles,scalens and equalatriltriangles.It also includes quadrilatrils like squares and rectangles.The 3 objects are a cylinder sphere and triangular prism.

  10. In the painting by Paul Klee there are a few 2D shapes. I can see squares and triangles which he has put together to make houses.
    The 3D shapes are a triangular prism which is a long triangle shape and a pack of Pringles which is a cylinder shape.

  11. Ray John
    I saw lots of squares, isosceles triangles, parallel rectangles and round ovals. The ovals look like leaves on a tree. I can see five houses made of different shapes like yellow, brown and orange triangle roofs, then rectangular walls and square windows and doors.
    The Toblerone package is a triangular prism, the Pringles container is a cylinder and the purple Adidas football is a sphere.

  12. In the painting I can see triangular roofs, rectangular houses, square windows and oval shaped trees. Some roofs are equilateral triangles, some are isosceles triangles and there is one scalene triangle. All angles in an equilateral triangles are acute, isosceles triangle have two equal sides and one different length and in a scalene triangle all sides are different lengths.

    The Toblerone has the shape of a triangular prism. It has 5 faces, 6 vertices and 9 edges.The Pringles container is a cylinder, it has 2 curved edges, 3 faces also one of the faces is circular and the Nike football is a sphere.

    1. Nice work Hashil.

    2. In the painting I can see triangular made of the roofs and some square are made of the windows and a square for the house it has 2 curved adges

  13. In this painting, I can see triangles, right angle triangles, squares, rectangles, ovals and circles. In the middle of the picture there is a symmetrical house which is also a quadrilateral.
    3D shapes:
    1) A triangular prism
    edges: 9
    2) Cylinder
    faces: 3
    corners: 0
    3) Sphere
    faces: 1
    corners: 0
    edges: 0

  14. In this 2D picture I can see several different types of triangles.There are some equilateral triangles which means all the sides are equal. There are also some isosceles triangles which means it has two sides the same length. Also there are some right-angled triangles. Finally I can also see some squares and rectangles.
    The 3D objects are a triangular prism with 5 faces, 6 vertices and 9 edges. The roof of a house could have this shape. The next shape is a a cyclinder, which has 3 faces but no vertices. The final shape is a sphere. It has no vertices or edges but one continous face.

  15. In the Paul Klee Painting I can see pentagon shapes which are houses. The houses are made up of triangles and squares. Next to the middle house there is an oval tree with a brown rectangular bucket. The house has two square windows and a square door. There are lots of triangles in the picture. Some are isosceles triangles. I can only see one black circle in the picture. There are different shapes of different colours, I can see green, orange black yellow and brown.

    The Toblerone is a triangular prism. This has 5 faces, two are triangles. The Pringles box is a cylinder. This has two circular faces. The football is a sphere and this has one face. In everyday life we see lots of 3D shapes like balls at school, cones in the roads, fruit like apples and grapes. Cereal boxes are 3D and food and drinks cans are cylinders.

    1. This is a fantastic piece of writing Avani. Well done for paragraphing your work and including a range of mathematical vocabulary.

    2. Thank you Miss Cleary

  16. The shapes are all diffrent to each other and they have a different number of sides and corners. They dont have the same colours. I have seen this picture a long time ago, but this one has a ball as a circle,picter and a squre. All the other shapes are real.

  17. Well done to everyone who completed the homework. I am very pleased with the way you have all written in full sentences and included mathematical vocabulary.

  18. The shapes are all not the same sides even the and the corners I some times see a shape that's different sides and corners
    that had 13 and I no that shapes has different colors

  19. In the Paul Klee Painting I can see pentagon shapes which are houses. The houses are made up of triangles and squares. Next to the middle house there is an oval tree with a brown rectangular bucket. The house has two square windows and a square door. The shapes are all not the same sides even the and the corners I some times see a shape that's different sides and corners
