Wednesday 2 October 2013

Literacy Homework - Who is Leif Ericson?

Leif Ericson is a very famous Viking. Can you remember what he is known for?

Your Task


I would like you to research Leif Ericson using either the internet or books from the Library, then write a paragraph about him as a comment on this post. Try to include details about his birth, where he came from, what he did, if he had any famous family members and any other interesting facts you come across.

Remember to take notes while you are researching. Once you have done that you need to organise them into a clear, carefully structured paragraph.

To practice your sentences remember to 'think, say then write'. I will also be looking for accurate spelling and punctuation so read over your work before hitting the publish button!

If you want to practice checking sentences you could play the 'Sentence Doctor' game first. Click here.

Your comment should be posted by Wednesday 9th October. Happy researching Waterloo class.


  1. Leif Ericsson was the second of 3 sons of Erik the red,who established a settlement in Greenland after he was exiled from Iceland.Leif Ericsson story was recorded in so different it is impossible to be certain of the details of his life

    1. Hi Hadi, I deleted your comment and reposted it as you had included your surname. Remember to be e-safe, you mustn't include any personal information! You are right though, it is impossible to be 100% certain when exploring historical figures and events. Does your sentence make sense? Perhaps you could re-read it and edit.

    2. Leif Ericson was a famous Viking. He was the first European to land on North America. It was about 500 years ago. He was born in 970 AD and died in 1020 in Greenland, Denmark. His children were Thorkell, Leiffson, and Thorgils. His parents were Erik the Red and Thjodhild.

  2. A Viking called Leif Ericson, he was born in970 ad, Iceland.He died in 1020 Greenland and Denmark. He had two sons called Thorkell and Thorgik. He was a famous Viking.

    1. Hi Malia I realy like your information you have done excelent and accurat spelling
      well done!

  3. A good start Malia. Can you tell me why he is so famous?

  4. Leif Ericson, a famous Viking explorer, was born on 970 AD, Iceland.At the age of eight he moved in with a man named Thyrker from
    Germany.He is believed to be the first Norse European to set foot on North America,500 years before Columbus.He is thought to have visited Norway in around 1000 AD where he was converted to Christianity by King Olaf. Thorgunna, Leif's wife was born on 990 AD, twenty years after his birth.They had a son named Thorkell and a daughter named Thorgils.
    Leif died on 1020 AD at the age of 52 in Greenland.

    1. Harshil that is fantastic work.

  5. Lief Ericson was a norse explorer regarded as the first European to land in North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus. When Lief Ericson was eight years old, he moved in with a man named Thyrker,Thyrker was from Gemany.Thyker taught everything he needed to know. When Leif Ericson was 15 or 17 he was out when he saw a young polar bear on a ice flow, he decided to capture it but the current was to strong between the ice flow and land , so using his knowledge of the sea he went upstream from the polar bear and let current carry his boat into the ice flow. After capturing the bear he used the same tactic to get back to land impressing the people on shore. Lief Ericson was famouse for being the first white man to set foot on America. He was bon in 970ad , he died 1020ad . His children were called Thorkell, Leifsson and Thorgik. His parents were Erik Red and Thjhild. He was very famous viking.

    1. Lewis that is fantastic work but next time try to write in paragraphs.

    2. I like yours Lewis

  6. Leif Ericsson was on his way back home to Greenland ,where Norway s king Olaf .Leif Ericsson was born in iceland but spent his youth in Greenland because his father, Eric the Red, had been exiled for three years from both Iceland and Norway for manslaughter.
    Leif Ericsson wanted to explore the western area. He found the Baffin land and when he sailed to the south he discovered Markland.
    It is said to be the eastern coast of Canada.

  7. Leif Ericson was born in 970 AD-1020 AD .Leif Ericson is an Icelandic explorer and the first European to set foot in North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus ( second man to set foot in North America)
    Leif Ericson is the second of the three sons of Erik The Red,he started a settlement in Greenland the Ericson was exiled from Iceland.Leif Ericson's story was told in several different sagas.He's thought to have been to Norway in around 1000 where Ericson was converted to Christianity by olaf.

    1. Hi Annabella
      I really like your work you wrote so much.

    2. Hi Annabella, I really like your work its very interesting, it says when Leif Ericsson was born and when he was died. It also has some information about his father. I think you could of done a bit more.

  8. Gresa 4 October 2013 19:40

    Leif Ericson it is believed that Leif was born in Iceland around the 970s. He
    had two brothers and a sister.Leif's father was an outlaw and an explorer.Leif was a Norse explorer who is regarded as the first European to land in North America (exluding Greenland),nearly 500 years before Christopher Columbus .According to the Sagas of Icelanders,he established a Norse settlement at Vinland.He returned back to Norway after his exploration and then after contacting Olaf Tryggvason,King of Norway.Leif became a Christian,and was later sent back to Greenland to spread Christianity,with the help of a priest and a teacher.Leif Ericson died on 1020 probably Greenland.

    1. It is very good Gresa but check on your opening sentence and you could of said Leif Ericson's brothers and sisters names .

      well done

    2. Wow Gresa I didn't know there was this much information about Leif Ericson. You could of put Leif Ericson fathers name.

  9. Leif Ericson was a famous viking. He lived in 11th c born on 970 in Iceland. He was the second son of erik the red ,his mum was Thjooildr.He got two brother s and sister . He s got to children .Ericson was an Icelandic explorer and the first European visitor to North America. Who established a settlement in Greenland, after he was exiled from iceland. He was died on 1020 in Greenland.

    1. well done you used the 5ws and you could of made your sentences a bit more longer

  10. Leif Eriksson (a famous Viking) was born in Iceland 1000AD. He was the second son of Eric The Red, Leif Eriksson had two brothers and one sister. Leif Eriksson is known to be the first European to set foot on the shores of North America, nearly five centuries before Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492 and was the founder of the first European settlement now known as Greenland. He died in 1100AD.

    1. Hi Batool, I really like your work is very interesting.

    2. Hi Batool, this is a wonderful piece of work. It was a very interesting read. I want to read more. You've included all the features Miss Cleary told you to include.

  11. Leif Erikson was born in Iceland 1000AD. He was an Icelandic explorer
    probably the first European vistor to the North America,500 years before Christopher Columbus. Leif Erikson was the second of the three son of the Erik the Red. He had two brothers and one sister.

  12. Leif Ericson was a Viking explorer who was born in Norway in 970 AD. He was the first European to land in North America. He also introduced Christianity to Greenland. His father was Eric The Red who was exiled from Norway to Iceland for killing another man.

    1. That's really good Kate you have told me some information that I did not know and you even told me about his farther. But you could write a bit more about him, like if he had any siblings.

    2. I really like your work on Leif Ericson Kate.

  13. leif ericson the viking
    leif ericson is a famus viking whos born in 970AD hes a explorer and a
    famus man who wins all the time he was dead a long time
    he is a viking who exsplores for over vikins.

  14. Leif Ericson was an European explorer, he was the first man who landed
    in north america 500 years before Christopher Columbus. He was born in
    Iceland and died in Denmark.

  15. Lief Ericson was born 500 years before Cristopher Columbus. He was born in c.970-1020 around A.D 1000, Ericson sailed to Norway there King Olaf I converted to a Christianity.

    1. Hi Laiba,
      I really like your work of Leif Ericson but I think you could of wrote more.

  16. Laiba you have good writing and good information that you got.
    I have to say that you are good at this.and you did every spellings correct and a wish is mabe you can tell how many people has he killes from the past.

  17. Daniel your story was good but next time write more paragraph

  18. Ray-John

    Leif Ericson was an Icelandic explorer who probably was the first European visitor to reach North America,500 years before Christopher Colombus.He was the second of the three sons of Eric the Red.He was born in 970AD in Iceland and died in 1020AD in Greenland.His occupation was being an exploner and his religion was Norsepagan but was converted to Christianity in 999AD.

    Erics expedition in Vinland encouraged other Norsemen to make the journey.His legacy was the opening of exploration to the Norse and Medieval Europe.Every October 9, America celebrates Leif Ericson's Day honoring him as probably the first explorer.

  19. Hi Daniel it s good work, when you are writing next time check your spellings.

  20. Leif Ericson was an Icelandic Viking explorer, he was the first European to visit America, 500 years before Christopher Columbus. His father was Erik the Red, who settled in Greenland after being exiled from Iceland.Leif had two brothers. He was born in Iceland, about 960AD.. He did not grow up with his family, instead when he was 8 he grew up with a man called Thyker, who was German. Did you know, he was a prisoner? But Leif's dad did not enslave Thyker, instead he made him teach Leif everything he knew, like plant study and the Russian and Celtic tongue. At the age of 12, he was considered a grown up and moved in with his father. He was 24 when he made his first voyage as captain of a Viking long boat. I wonder where it was to?

  21. Leif Ericson was born in 970 AD in Iceland. He was the second child of three. Leif was the son of the famous viking Erik the red. Whilst he was in the Hebrides he met his wife Thorgunna. Together they had two sons called Thorgils and Thorkell. It is belived that Leif was the first European to reach the North American Continent nearly 500 years before Christopher Columbus. Leif died in 1020. In America there is an annual Leif Erikson Day to honour him. This date is the 9th October.

  22. Ray-john
    Leif Ericson was an Icelandic explorer who was probably the first European visitor to reach North America, 500 years before Christopher Columbus. He was the second of the three sons of Eric the Red. He was born in 970 AD in Iceland and died in 1020 AD in Greenland. His occupation was an explorer and his religion was Norse-pagan but was converted to Christianity in 999 AD.
    Eric’s expedition in Vinland encouraged other Norsemen to also make the journey. Eric’s legacy was the opening of exploration or expedition to Medieval Europe. Every year on October 9, the Americans celebrate Leif Ericson day honoring him as probably the first explore.

    1. I really like your work about Leif Ericson.

  23. Leif Ericson was born in Norway 975 and had 2 brothers and one sister. Leif Ericson died in 1020,Leif Ericson’s father was an outlaw and an explorer .He moved
    The family to Greenland where they started to colonies. Leif Ericson left Greenland 999 to sail back to Norway for supplies and then his ship was blown
    off course and ended up in Canada. Leif Ericson left Canada in 1000 that is is several months later and finally returned back to Norway and in Norway he was urged to return to Greenland.

  24. Hi Deesha you should of said is he famouse or not you could of edited your work do you write it on a paper.

  25. Leif Erikson was born in iceland and was the third son of Erik the Red. he also had two brother named Thorkell and Thorgig. Leif was a famous viking who named places and countries.
    When Erik was eight years he was sent to a man called Thyrger who taught Erik the oldest sagas, plant studies and the use of weapons.
    When he was thirteen he was considered a man and travelled back to his fathers house. Eriks house had changed since he had left. Later Erik met a man who he had feuds with and ended up killing him after a fight. So the council bannished Erik from Iceland for three year. He was also not allowed in Norway.
    Erik now decided to investigate the rumour of their being land to the west, so he tookl his wife and kids, some slaves and plenty of supplies and travelled around.
    He finally found a new land and named it Greenland and started to rule it like a camp.
    He is believed to have been a good deep sea sailor.
