Wednesday 23 October 2013

Literacy Homework - Victorian Schools

On Monday, you met Mr Wilberforce and experienced a day in a Victorian school room.

What do you think it would have been like to go to school in Victorian times?  Think about what children learned and how, what the punishments were like and how it might have felt.

You can look at the below images and website if you want to find out more. 

Imagine that you are a Victorian school child then write a recount of your day.
You could plan it using a skeleton (see last week’s blog post for help and think about the one you did yesterday).Remember to ‘think it’ and ‘say it’ before you write!

I look forward to seeing your blog post before Wednesday 30th October!

I have been super impressed with your comments thus far, but remember to offer support to one another as well, by suggesting a wish.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Literacy Homework - A Perfect Day Diary Entry

This picture looks like it might be somewhere I would have a Perfect Day!  A Perfect Day could be anything!  A trip out; a day with your friends; going to a party with your family; it’s something that makes you feel happy!

We have been finding out about diary entries, which are a type of recount.

This is the skeleton we have looked at, as well as the structure and language features we discussed too!

If you look at this website, you can find a whole diary to read online.  It might help you with some ideas:  Diary Entry Link

I want you to picture your ‘Perfect Day’!  It could be a day which you imagine, or even a day which you have really experienced.

Plan a diary entry for your ‘Perfect Day’ using the skeleton (we have used this skeleton before in class – remember, use it as a memory jogger to help you plan).

When you have planned it, write your diary entry as a reply on the blog.

Remember the non-negotiables

·         Full stops and capital letters
·         Paragraphs
·         Interesting details for your audience
·         Past tense
·         Chronological order

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Literacy Homework - Shapes

This week in Maths we have been investigating.....

We have talked about the properties of different 2D and 3D shapes, and looked at various paintings and sculptures which use shapes.

Can you identify any 2D shapes in the Paul Klee painting entitled 'Landscape with Sunset? Write about what you can see in full sentences. Can you use any of the mathematical vocabulary discussed in class?

Landscape with Sunset - Paul Klee

Look at the pictures of everyday 3D shapes.



Can you remember the proper names for each shape? Write a couple of sentences to tell me about their properties. Can you give me other examples of 3D shapes seen in every day life?

Remember to think your sentences through carefully before writing, then proof read it before publishing.

Please respond by Wednesday 16th October.

Happy shape hunting Waterloo Class!

Miss Cleary

               Aditya's Homework                                                            Deesha's Homework


Wednesday 2 October 2013

Literacy Homework - Who is Leif Ericson?

Leif Ericson is a very famous Viking. Can you remember what he is known for?

Your Task


I would like you to research Leif Ericson using either the internet or books from the Library, then write a paragraph about him as a comment on this post. Try to include details about his birth, where he came from, what he did, if he had any famous family members and any other interesting facts you come across.

Remember to take notes while you are researching. Once you have done that you need to organise them into a clear, carefully structured paragraph.

To practice your sentences remember to 'think, say then write'. I will also be looking for accurate spelling and punctuation so read over your work before hitting the publish button!

If you want to practice checking sentences you could play the 'Sentence Doctor' game first. Click here.

Your comment should be posted by Wednesday 9th October. Happy researching Waterloo class.